Where the eagle lands is neither here nor there

Where the eagle lands is neither here nor there

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

In an opinion piece in The Australian, Executive Director Dr Michael Fullilove writes that despite the foreign-policy differences between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, the outcome of the US election will not threaten the Australia-Unites States alliance.



With our UN victory comes prestige and responsibility

With our UN victory comes prestige and responsibility

Friday, 19 October 2012

Executive Director Michael Fullilove, in an opinion piece for The Drum, argues that it's the Australian way to help shape the international debate and further our interests, so where better to do that than from the biggest table in the world? 



In presidential debate, President Obama is no dove, and Mitt Romney is no hawk

In presidential debate, President Obama is no dove, and Mitt Romney is no hawk

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

In an opinion piece in The Christian Science Monitor on President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, Dr Michael Fullilove writes that although commentators draw sharp distinctions between the two men, their foreign policy similarities are more striking than the differences.



Foreign service remains vastly underfunded

Foreign service remains vastly underfunded

Friday, 22 February 2013

In an opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review, Dr Michael Fullilove and Alex Oliver argue that as Australians look ahead to a federal election in September, they should be asking tough questions of both major parties about the funding of their foreign policies.



We stood by the U.S. as it erred grievously in Iraq

We stood by the U.S. as it erred grievously in Iraq

Friday, 19 April 2013

In an opinion piece in The Australian, Lowy Institute Executive Director Dr Michael Fullilove examines the costs of the war in Iraq to the United States and the implications for the Australia-US alliance.